
A common question is where the hell is good to go for getting a haircut, restyle, or dye.

For trans-women, the first time going to a hair salon can be quite daunting, and the prices for female hair cuts significantly more than make hair cuts.

Female Hair Salons

Note: Add blurb on what to expect at a female hair salon, processes, option differences etc

Style Advice

Note: add recommended hair styles and how hair styles work with the shape of your face etc

Gender Neutral Salons

Note: add notes on the difference between gender neutral salons and specific barbers/female salons.

Styles at fender neutral salons tend to be a lot more middle ground and not cutting edge fashion statements, but can be cheaper

Male Barbers

Male barbers tend to be significantly less social experiences. You generally do not have to book ahead you just show up. Hair cuts usually take about 10 minutes.

Male barbers generally only works with short simple hair styles, ie those measured in grades etc if you want a medium or long hair cut or dyeing, the. You will need to go to a unisex salon.

There is usually a bench/waiting area near the front of the shop where you wait. Its a bit like bar etiquette where everyone keeps track of who is next to be served. Upon your turn its a case of standing up and sitting in the barbers chair, the barber will then ask what it is you want today.

Prices are generally in the region of £8-20.

Trans friendliness, if your sitting waiting and don’t quite pass, you sometimes may be thought of as someones partner. So generally I would advise your first few times to be when its a low quite period where you don’t have to wait long. Some lesbians do use barbers so if asked just explain the situation calmly, they generally are pretty cool.

Style Advice

Guy hair cuts are pretty short, you give some style guidance to the guy like i want a fringe, or a specific grade etc. Generally if its your first cut, simply explain the situation and roll the dice with their suggestions.

Chace Barbers

Trans-Masc Barbers, one of the local trans guys became a barber in june 2022 He currently operates out of a barbershop in moreton three days a week and provides short/barber hair cuts. At the time of writing he was offering haircuts for free (dec 2022).

Monday 9-5 Thursday 9-7 Sat 9-4 Tel: 07826746417 (just drop him a text message at anytime)

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